The Old Testament Presents... Reflections of Christ
by Paul R. Van Gorder
This book derives its name from ''Levi,'' the priestly tribe chosen by God to carry on the tabernacle service. Leviticus, the book of worship, work, and walk, naturally follows Exodus, the book of redemption.

The key word of Leviticus, ''holiness,'' is used 87 times.
The key verse is: ''Ye shall be holy; for I, the Lord your God, am holy'' (Lev 19:2).
In the Hebrew Bible, this book is called vayikra, meaning, ''and He called.'' [cp. Lev 1:1] The book consists almost entirely of words spoken by Jehovah from the tabernacle. Sacrifice is the basis of approach to God; priesthood is the means of access. Every offering, every drop of blood speaks of the One who is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption [1Cor 1:30].
  1. Sacrifice (Lev 1:1-6:7)
  2. The Law of the Offerings (6:8-7:38)
  3. Consecration (8-9)
  4. A Warning Example (10)
  5. A Holy God Demands a Clean People (11-15)
  6. Atonement (16,17)
  7. Relationships of God's People (18-22)
  8. The Feasts of Jehovah (23)
  9. Instructions and Warnings (24-27)
Few of the Old Testament books reflect Christ more than Leviticus. Over every offering, ceremony, feast, garment, utensil, and article (except leaven), you may write the word ''Christ.'' Let's focus briefly on how the offerings and the feasts portray the Lord Jesus.
Two types of offerings are specified in Leviticus:
  1. the sweet-savor offerings demonstrate that Christ was acceptable to God;
  2. the nonsweet-savor offerings demonstrate that the sinner is unacceptable, but that God's justice fell upon Christ as He became the sinner's substitute.
The sweet-savor offerings are Godward; the nonsweet-savor offerings are manward.
Leviticus 23 outlines the sacred calendar of redemption. These seven feasts in the Jewish year foretell and set forth the plan of salvation from the death of Christ through His millennial reign. They give us in sequence the different stages in God's redemptive scheme.
I suggest that you study carefully the details of each feast named in Leviticus 23, for they are ''a shadow of things to come'' (Colossians 2:17).

For another look at the various offerings,
see the chapter on The Offerings in Christ in the Tabernacle.

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written by Paul R. Van Gorder, Copyright 1982 by RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI.
Used by permission [within The Book from].
Further distribution is not allowed without permission from RBC.

For another brief look at this book of the Bible,
see the related chapter in Christ in All the Scriptures, by A.M. Hodgkin.

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