Book Outline & Menu of Notes
Key & Guide to Notes
- The Prophecy of Hosea -
- The LORD's undying Love for unfaithful Israel.
- I. Hosea's Times Hosea 1:1
- II. Hosea's Experience: A portrayal of God's dealings with Israel (1:2-3:5)
- The Symbolism of his Family (1:2-11)
- Hosea's marriage: Israel's unfaithfulness (1:2-3a)
- Hosea's children: Israel's judgment (1:3b-9)
- The symbolism reversed (1:10-11)
- Restoration through Punishment (2:1-23)
- The LORD's punishment of Israel (2:1-13)
- The LORD's restoration of Israel (2:14-23)
- Restoration through Purchase (3:1-5)
- Hosea's obedience: The Price of Love (3:1-3)
- The illustration explained (3:4,5)
- III. Hosea's Message: God's Judgment and Restoration of Israel (ch. 4-14)
- The LORD's case against Israel (4:1-6:3)
- Israel's guilt exposed (4:1-19)
- Their sinfulness (4:1-5)
- Their willful ignorance (4:6-11)
- Their idolatry (4:12-19)
- Israel's Judgment announced (5:1-14)
- Israel's Restoration envisioned (5:15-6:3)
- The LORD's case against Israel expanded (6:4-11:11)
- Israel's Guilt and Punishment (6:4-8:14)
- Convicted of transgression by God's Word, they deal more treacherously with Him (6:4-7:7)
- The corruption of the priests (6:4-11)
- The corruption of the king and princes (7:1-7)
- Confronted by the Excellency of Israel, they foolishly refuse to turn to Him (7:8-12)
- They turn to Egypt and Assyria (7:8-12)
- They turn to false religion (7:13-16)
- Continued disregard for God's Word requires retribution (8:1-14)
- They reject the One who is Good (8:1-4)
- They are rejected by the false ones they sought:
- Their calf (8:5-7)
- Their ally, Assyria (8:8-10)
- The LORD remembers their sins (8:11-14)
- Israel's Guilt and Punishment Reiterated (9:1-11:7)
- The Land of Fruitfulness: Barren (9:1-10)
- The Children of Fruitfulness: Bereaved (9:11-17)
- The Vine of Fruitfulness: Empty (10:1-11)
- The Call to Fruitfulness: Refused (10:12-11:7)
- The LORD's Compassion Renewed (11:8-11)
- The LORD's case against Israel concluded (11:12-14:9)
- A concluding indictment (11:12-13:16)
- Israel's self-confidence is self-deception:
In Jacob's weakness, the LORD was strong (11:12-12:14).
- Israel's self-exaltation will bring her down:
In Israel's humble beginnings, the LORD exalted them (13:1-8).
- Israel's self-destruction is not final:
In Israel's desolation, the LORD will redeem them from death (13:9-16).
- A concluding exhortation (14:1-9)
Restoration will come...
- when Israel returns to the LORD their God.
- when Ephraim finds true Fruitfulness in Him.
[Elements of the above outline
were adapted from the Bible Knowledge Commentary.]
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