Resources for Sceptics-

A very incomplete list.
Answers to Tough Questions Skeptics ask about the Christian Faith, Josh McDowell & Don Stewart, Here's Life Publishers (Campus Crusade for Christ), 1980.
Biblical Difficulties Solved, Larry Richards, Fleming H. Revell, pub.
Answers to more than 500 baffling questions from Genesis to Revelation.
Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell, Campus Crusade for Christ.
Historical evidences for the Christian faith.
More Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell, Campus Crusade for Christ.
Historical evidences for the Christian scriptures.
Halley's Bible Handbook, Henry H. Halley, Zondervan Publishing House, updated frequently.
Contains an excellent section on archaeological discoveries which confirm the biblical record.
In Defense of the Faith, Dave Hunt, Harvest House Publishers.
Answers questions such as "Why does God allow suffering and evil?" and "What about all the "contradictions" in the Bible?"
Jesus: A Biblical Defense of His Deity, Josh McDowell & Bart Larson, Here's Life Publishers (Campus Crusade for Christ), 1983
More than a Carpenter, Josh McDowell, Tyndale House Publishers.
Was Jesus just another man?
Who Moved the Stone?, Frank Morrison, Zondervan Publishing House.
Evidences for the resurrection of Christ.

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