Book Outline & Menu of Notes
Key & Guide to Notes
- I. Daniel's Chronicles of his Times under Gentile Kings (ch. 1-6)
- A. Daniel's personal history, 1:1-21
- B. Nebuchadnezzar's pride and conversion -
- His vision of a multi-metal image (2:1-49):
- hidden
- revealed
- interpreted: Four successive world empires to be displaced by the eternal Kingdom of God.
- His image of gold (3:1-30):
- idolatrous worship commanded
- idolatrous worship refused
- the true God revealed through the fiery trial of His servants
- His vision of a tree and stump (4:1-37):
- the proud king ...warned
- ...humbled
- ...exalts the King of heaven
- C. Belshazzar's foolishness, Babylon's fall (5:1-31)
- D. Darius' decrees (6:1-28):
- For worship of himself...
Daniel's disregard and deliverance from the lion's den (6:1-24)
- For worship of the Living God (6:25-28)
- II. Daniel's Visions concerning the Times of the Gentiles (ch. 7-12)
- Four great beasts & the Ancient of Days (7:1-28)
- Rise & fall of four successive Gentile empires.
- Rise & fall of a little horn from the fourth empire.
- (The Antichrist)
- Everlasting dominion given to the Son of Man.
- The Ram, the He Goat, and a little Horn (8:1-27)
- The second empire falls to the third empire.
- A little horn rises from the third empire;
his character foreshadows the Antichrist.- (Antiochus Epiphanes)
- The Seventy Weeks (9:1-27)
- Daniel's prayer, 9:1-19
- The LORD's answer, 9:20-27
- The Time of the End (ch. 10-12)
- The Preparation for the Vision (10:1-21)
- The Rise of the Little Horns (11:1-45)
- A vile person who foreshadows the Antichrist (11:1-35)
- (Antiochus Epiphanes)
- The willful king at the Time of the End (11:36-45)
- (The Antichrist)
- The End of the Times of the Gentiles,
The Great Tribulation... (12:1-13)- the deliverance of God's people,
- the resurrections,
- the sealed book.
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