Book Outline & Menu of Notes
Key & Guide to Notes
Outline of 2Corinthians
(Links are to chapter notes.)
(Some sections span chapter divisions.)
- I. Introduction
- Greetings. 1:1-2
- Praise for God's Comfort, in sufferings for, and with, the readers. 1:3-7
- II. The Characteristics of Paul's Ministry. 1:8- 7:16
- Comforted and Comforting.
- Paul's trouble in Asia, comforted by help from the Corinthian church. 1:8-11
- Paul's postponement of his planned visit -
-- unexpected, unavoidable. 1:12-22
-- delayed to avoid discomfort. 1:23- 2:4
- Pardon for a repentant sinner. 2:5-11
- Rest for Paul's troubled spirit. 2:12-13
- Triumphant. 2:14-17
- Accredited. 3:1-5
- Spiritual & Glorious - Not Legal. 3:6-18
- Honest. 4:1-7
- The Truth is taught by word & life.
- Christ, not self, is Proclaimed.
- The Power is of God.
- Suffering but Sustained. 4:8- 6:10
- Exposed to death, revealing Life to others. 4:8-12
- Believing God's promise of resurrection. 4:13-18
- Confident of future joy in the Lord's presence. 5:1-8
- Conscious of the Judgment Seat of Christ. 5:9-13
- Constrained by the Love of Christ. 5:14-21
- Co-laboring to declare God's grace, by His grace, in all circumstances. 6:1-10
- Calling for separation and cleansing. 6:11- 7:1
- Burdened for the well-being of the church. 7:2-16
- III. The Collection for the poor. 8:1- 9:15
- The example of Macedonia. 8:1-6
- The exhortation to follow through. 8:7-15
- The endorsed messengers 8:16- 9:5
- The encouragement. 9:6-15
- IV. The Vindication of Paul's apostleship. 10:1- 13:10
- The divine authentication. 10:1-18
- The godly jealousy. 11:1-11
- The warning against false teachers. 11:12-15
- The enforced boasting. 11:16- 12:18
- Credentials comparable. 11:16-22
- Labors more abundant. 11:23-33
- Visions and a thorn. 12:1-10
- Signs seen by Corinthian church. 12:11-18
- The warning to reprobates. 12:19- 13:10
- V. Conclusion. 13:11-14
- [ This outline was adapted, with several changes, from the divisions shown in the Scofield Reference Bible.]
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